How To Bypass AT&T Gateway on the UDM-Pro in 2023
Recently, my UDM-Pro (Unifi Dream Machine) updated it’s firmware to 2.4.x. It was pretty silly of me to have auto updates turned on, but I prefer my network gear to always be as up to date as possible. In the past, this has been no issue and Ubiquiti has made sure those updates don’t alter…
Space Invaders Arcade Restoration
One Saturday morning I was just minding my own business, when my father called. I could hear the excitement in his voice when he told me “Craig! I found an old Space Invaders, it doesn’t work, $100. Want it?” Of course I didn’t hesitate, and said yes. I had no clue what condition it was in, or…
Install Bungie’s Aleph One Engine (Marathon Trilogy) on Ubuntu/Linux Mint
Open terminal. Add the repo: sudo apt-add-repository ‘deb oneiric-getdeb games’ wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add – sudo apt-get update Install Games: This will install them all: sudo apt-get install marathon* Or individually: sudo apt-get install marathon sudo apt-get install marathon2 sudo apt-get install marathon infinity Congratulations, you have now installed the…

Increasing Asus RT-N16/RT-N66U Wifi Range, performance, and functionality
TL;DR – For those of you who just want the facts, here is a list summing up the article: Step 1: Install Tomato USB (Guide for RT-N16 and Guide for RT-N66U) Place in central location (placement is key) Install high gain antennas (These will work on both the RT-N16 and RT-N66U) Optional overkill: Install heatsinks…
Power Point: Create slides from a folder of images automatically
The other day I was given the daunting task of creating a few power point presentations at work. Using power point is something I haven’t done since 2007 and it really took me a while to get going. The particular presentation I was creating was very image intensive. In-fact, every slide aside from the title…